Partners and Supporters

“I welcome your initiative to create the organization.”

To succeed in life, it is essential never to forget where you come from and who helped you to grow by giving heart and soul. From their childhood, adoptees belong to two cultures. It is an extraordinary wealth that must be preserved.

Alexander Orlov
Ambassador of Russia to France (2008-2017)

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe

“I am convinced that the Russian Roots project will gain popularity and will be in demand.”

It is great that there is such an involved person [the project’s founder] who can help once-adopted children to discover the details of their past. These details will help them to close some gaps of the past and build a safe and promising future.

Julia Trofimova
Former intermediary and interpreter in the adoption processes in Russia

“The idea of creating an organization like Russian Roots is intelligent, generous and courageous.”

Let us wish [the founder] all the tact and perseverance necessary to successfully complete this undertaking which will obviously lead to exchanges of experiences with counterparts from other countries of origin and adoption. A respectable, humanitarian and human multipolarity.

Dmitry de Kochko
Chairman of the France-Ural (France-Oural) association
Honorary Chairman of the Russians from France Forum

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe

“I strongly believe in the success of this project.”

The author of the project Russian Roots, Pavel Closson, is seen as a determined, persistent, communicative person who has the merits of an investigator and deserves great respect and encouragement. I am confident that this project will be successful and very useful for those who have not forgotten their homeland and who would like to learn more about their Russian roots.

Veronika Serova
Former director of a Russian orphanage


Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
Voice of Adoptees
(La Voix d’Adoptés)
Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
Alliance of Adoptees
(L’Alliance des Adoptés)
Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
Association of Parents adopting in Russia
Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe

Web magazines

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
The Bear Magazine
(L’Ours Magazine)

Psychological Support

Racines Russes, Russian Roots, Русские Корни, Raíces Rusas, Radici Russe
Psychological support program for adoptees