Russian Roots Organization

(Association Racines Russes)

Who We Are

Russian Roots is a French non-profit organization founded in October 2022. It connects children adopted in Russia or in the former Soviet Union territories with their homeland, and particularly by way of the discovery of their origins.

Our Projects

  • Assistance in researching the origins of adopted children which will contribute to their identity construction and personality consolidation
  • Support for adoptees experiencing challenges due to their particular story
  • Advice and information for adoptive families about the post-adoptive life of their children
  • Creation of discussion circles on different topics related to the themes of adoption and assistance to orphanages
  • Organization of events and meetings between adoptees living all around the world
  • Partnership building with other organizations having similar projects
  • Setting up cultural and linguistic exchanges with children from orphanages
  • Promotion of Anglo-Saxon and foreign cultures in orphanages
  • Training workshops in orphanages
  • Material assistance to children from orphanages

Focus on
Finding Your Roots

What They’re Saying

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Contact us and we will get back to you shortly.