Who We Are

The Project’s Program

Russian Roots was created in October 2022 in Paris (France) and is mainly aimed at children adopted in Russia or in the former USSR’s countries, but also at their adoptive parents. The organization conducts various projects around the themes of adoption (pre-adoption and post-adoption) and assistance to orphanages (also called “children’s homes”).


This theme constitutes the main part of the project and deals with the question of the search for origins. An adoptee has the particularity of having two stages of life, pre-adoptive and post-adoptive, and it is important to know their story before the adoption in order to foster personality development today and tomorrow.


After the adoption of a child, new issues may emerge, in particular those related to their Russian nationality, conscription in Russia, etc. The organization undertakes not only to provide some answers based on the law and people’s experiences, but also to listen attentively to the adoptees and support them.


Russian Roots plans to build partnerships with other organizations to act within orphanages by setting up training workshops for children. It will also participate in the development of cultural, linguistic and sports exchanges and thus contribute to the social development of children.

Our Projects

  • Assistance in researching the origins of adopted children which will contribute to their identity construction and personality consolidation
  • Support for adoptees experiencing challenges due to their particular story
  • Advice and information for adoptive families about the post-adoptive life of their children
  • Creation of discussion circles on different topics related to the themes of adoption and assistance to orphanages
  • Organization of events and meetings between adoptees living all around the world
  • Partnership building with other organizations having similar projects
  • Setting up cultural and linguistic exchanges with children from orphanages
  • Promotion of Anglo-Saxon and foreign cultures in orphanages
  • Training workshops in orphanages
  • Material assistance to children from orphanages
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The Project’s Origin

The idea of creating the organization goes back to the summer of 2022. A young French-Russian young man, adopted in Russia in 2004, in full research for his origins in his native country, felt the need to know his roots and understand why he was placed in an orphanage and why he was adopted. Feeling misunderstood by others, he became interested from the age of 17 in his Russian identity and his past. He found vital records and medical documents which were the driving force of the research. While investigating, he gained experience that he would like to share now.

Most often, adoptees know little or nothing about their pre-adoptive life, which may unconsciously cause them some embarrassment or even discomfort. The need to discover their origins may appear at any time, and this is why the search for origins becomes a significant step in structuring their personal equilibrium.


Alexander Orlov




Voice of Adoptees
(La Voix D’Adoptés)

Alliance of Adoptees
(L’Alliance des Adoptés)

Cultural Information Webmagazine

Psychological support program for adoptees

The Board

André Houard

retired teacher

Jules Vittone-Burnel

computer engineer